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  1. Providing a serially arranged list of download links to your customers for
    • Chapter-wise, topic-wise list of Encrypted Videos and Content,
    • Embedded Youtube resources for further studies,
    • PDF files and other documents.
  2. Providing online testing [with a timer] to your customers. BENEFITS TO YOU:
    • Students/cutomers can self test their knowledge.
    • Mass testing is NOT supported at present.
    • Helps you drive more admissions.
  3. Conducting protected zoom meetings. BENEFITS TO YOU:
    • Take classes from home, even on sundays and holidays.
    • Doubt clearance sessions.
    • One-day-before exam sessions help you get better reviews and word of mouth.
    • Both Android and Windows supported. IMPORTANT: Protection is ONLY the DRM protection provided by Windows and Android. Advanced watchdog protection has been avoided to prevent anti-virus issues.